The Confidence Collective

Coaching ambitious women to cultivate unshakeable confidence and authentic self-expression within a supportive community.

powerful business women around a table collaborating

Experience the power of collective support, shared experiences, & meaningful connections.

Discover a stronger sense of self, foster healthier relationships, increase productivity, and embrace a happier, fulfilled, and liberated life in the company of like-minded women who understand and uplift each other.

dr. jomana elaridi siting on a white bench leaning her arms on her knees smiling at the camera


The Perfect Combination of Community & Coaching

If you're grappling with self-doubt, people-pleasing, perfectionism, anxiety, negative self-talk, or feeling lost,

And you're eager to connect with kindred spirits on a shared journey of personal development -

Welcome to your transformative haven.

After working with 100s of Ambitious Women, I know there’s

5 things you need to become your true, confident self

And you’ll cultivate all of them in this Mastermind-Coaching Program that’s backed by my signature framework


Develop a deep understanding of yourself, including strengths, values, beliefs, and emotions. This self-awareness forms the foundation for personal growth and confident decision-making.

Supportive Relationships

Nurturing connections with people who uplift, encourage, and support personal growth. Positive relationships provide a sense of belonging, validation, and emotional support, enabling women to thrive and build confidence.


Embracing oneself with all strengths, weaknesses, and imperfections. Accepting and loving oneself unconditionally allows for authentic self-expression and builds inner confidence.

Empowering Mindset

Cultivating a positive and empowering mindset that focuses on possibilities, resilience, and self-belief. Developing a growth mindset helps us overcome challenges, embrace failures as learning opportunities, and believe in our ability to achieve our goals.


Stepping outside of your comfort zones and taking action toward goals and aspirations is essential for personal growth. We build confidence, resilience, and a sense of achievement by facing challenges.


“And because of the connection within the group, everyone feels supported, encouraged and empowered to listen to their own voice and be who they really are.”


The Confidence Collective

Everything you need in this one-of-a-kind community

In this unique Mastermind, Group Coaching/1:1 Hybrid program, you’ll get access to…

puzzle pieces fitting together with human image on them, icon

Group Coaching (3 x 60 min/mo)

Engage in three 60-minute Zoom coaching sessions per month featuring a "hot-seat" coaching format. Receive personalized coaching from me while also benefiting from the experience, wisdom and support of your peers.

people in bubbles talking to each other icon for coaching

1:1 Exclusive Coaching (1 x 60 min/mo)

Benefit from personal 1:1 coaching each month to go deeper into challenging roadblocks that need more attention. It’s that perfect blend of group and 1:1 that provides long-lasting results.

Woman on prerecording with talking bubble icon for Confidence, Ambitious, Empowerment course

Ambitious, Confident & Empowered Women Course

Access my comprehensive course covering essential topics such as mindset, beliefs, values, goals, confidence, self-worth, perfectionism, people-pleasing, and emotional regulation.

chat bubbles to show group discussion and engagement

Private Online Mastermind Group

Gain access to a dedicated online space for daily support, interaction, and collaboration with both myself and fellow participants.

three people with a gear over their head icon for mindset workshops

Custom Mindset Workshops

Enjoy access to exclusive workshops customized to benefit the group. I'll create workshops based on recurring challenges, so you gain valuable insights and tools for personal growth.

open book turned to a page with a heart icon for the Mindset Shifter and Uplifter document

The Mindset Shifter & Uplifter

Receive a powerful document containing affirmations and exercises to build your confidence and strengthen your mindset.

two hands high-fiving icon, for the peer support and accountability

BONUS: Peer Support & Accountability

Connect with a cohort of equally ambitious women, fostering a sense of community and accountability.

the freedom framework logo for Dr. Jomana's signature package

Over the course of 3 or 6 months, you'll benefit from a comprehensive range of features and techniques aimed at helping you achieve profound results and lasting change.


Gain a deep understanding of who you are and what drives you.


Clarify your desired outcomes and set clear goals to achieve them.


Cultivate self-awareness and develop a profound understanding of yourself.

E.rase & Heal

Let go of limiting beliefs and engage in healing practices to foster personal transformation.


Create a new belief system that aligns with your authentic self and supports your personal growth.


Embrace your expanded identity and confidently step into your true potential.


Master your mindset & emotions to navigate life’s challenges with resilience & clarity.

powerful women coming out of a huddle excited and laughing

The BEST Benefit of this Collective

Receive personalized coaching, valuable resources and experience the transformative power of a supportive community of like-minded women.

The shared experiences, peer accountability, and collective wisdom within the group create an environment that accelerates growth, fosters inspiration, and empowers you to achieve extraordinary results.

Click the button below to jump on a zero-pressure, discovery call to see if this is what you need.


“I felt I could share what I’m going through without being judged. And seeing others relate to my experiences encouraged me to open up and share.”


“I learned to let go of the insignificant things that come up in everyday life and how to self-regulate my emotions.”

Ambitious, Confident & Empowered Women Course

Here’s your clear breakdown of what you can expect to learn and experience throughout the program. The goal is to empower you with the tools to courageously tackle any challenge that comes your way, taking action despite any fear that may arise.

Module 1: Mindset Magic

In this module, we delve into the science and intricacies of mindset transformation. Discover the power of your thoughts and beliefs, and learn proven techniques to shift your mindset for optimal growth and success.

Key topics include understanding the mind-body connection, rewiring limiting beliefs, and cultivating an empowered mindset.

Engage in activities such as journaling, visualization exercises, and affirmations to strengthen your new mindset.

Benefit from increased self-awareness, improved resilience, and a renewed sense of possibility.

Module 2: Foundations

In Foundations, we expdlore the building blocks of your identity. Uncover your core values, identify your character strengths, and celebrate your talents, skills, and achievements.

By gaining clarity on who you are at your core, you'll establish a solid foundation for personal growth and align your actions with your authentic self.

Engage in self-reflection exercises, visioning activities, and self-assessment tools to deepen your self-awareness and cultivate a strong sense of identity.

Benefit from increased self-confidence, greater clarity in decision-making, and a sense of purpose.

Module 3: Results

In Results, we focus on setting and achieving meaningful goals that align with your authentic self. Learn the link between goals and identity, and discover strategies to set clear, inspiring, and achievable objectives.

Explore techniques to overcome obstacles and stay motivated throughout your journey.

Engage in goal-setting exercises, action planning, and accountability practices to propel you toward your desired outcomes.

Benefit from enhanced focus, increased productivity, and a sense of accomplishment as you make tangible progress towards your goals.

Module 4: What’s Really Holding You Back?

This module addresses the underlying limiting beliefs that hinder your progress. Identify and replace self-limiting thoughts and beliefs with empowering ones that support your growth and success.

Engage in transformative exercises, such as reframing techniques and cognitive restructuring, to challenge and overcome the barriers that have held you back.

Benefit from increased self-confidence expanded possibilities, and a newfound sense of freedom as you break free from the limitations that have hindered your potential.

Module 5: Emotional Regulation

Emotional Regulation equips you with practical tools and practices to navigate your emotions effectively. Learn mindfulness techniques, meditation, breathwork, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), inner child work, somatic movement, and breathing meditations to release heavy emotions.

Cultivate emotional intelligence, gain resilience in the face of challenges, and develop greater self-control.

Benefit from reduced stress, improved emotional well-being, and the ability to respond to situations calmly and clearly.

Module 6: Step into Your Power

In this empowering module, you will build a powerful sense of self-worth, break free from "Good Girl Conditioning," conquer your imposter syndrome, and embrace imperfection. Learn strategies to shift from people-pleasing to authentic self-expression, step into leadership roles, and assert your boundaries confidently.

Engage in empowering exercises, role-playing, and self-reflection to strengthen your self-worth and cultivate the courage to show up authentically.

Benefit from increased confidence, improved self-esteem, and the ability to navigate relationships with authenticity and assertiveness.

BONUS: Customized Workbook

Enhance your learning with a specially designed workbook that complements the course training, providing valuable exercises and prompts.


The video lessons feel real & unfiltered, like nothing’s being held back.

About the course, the videos felt real and unfiltered. It felt like I was getting a true behind-the-scenes version of things, like nothing was being held back. It makes me feel like I'm getting more than I signed up for. And the practicality of them is so massive. These are lessons and tools I'll get to use my whole life! Overall it was a fantastic experience, and I’d 100% recommend the Mastermind to others.

Gain the tools, insights, and support necessary to

Overcome limitations, navigate life's challenges confidently, & achieve your goals

  • Strengthen your self-esteem and develop a deep sense of self-worth, free from comparison and self-judgment.

  • Break free from the shackles of self-doubt and gain unwavering confidence in your abilities.

  • Gain a clear sense of purpose, align your actions with your values, and set meaningful goals.

  • Break free from the cycle of procrastination and take consistent action towards your goals.

  • Experience profound personal growth as you challenge limiting beliefs, expand your mindset, and embrace new possibilities.

  • Develop the skills to regulate your emotions, navigate challenges with grace, and bounce back stronger.

  • Release the need for perfectionism and embrace your true self unapologetically.

  • Learn to set boundaries, communicate assertively, and cultivate deeper connections with others.

  • Create Lasting Change: Develop the mindset and habits needed to sustain long-term transformation and live a more fulfilling life.


Unlock your full potential & embark on a journey of connection and personal growth.







Sarah West profile image


I’m astounded at the progress I’ve made… I take action a lot faster without overthinking!

I’m astounded at my progress since joining the mastermind group 12 weeks ago. I don’t second-guess myself and procrastinate. I take action a lot faster without overthinking.

When you’ve got a group of people that you feel accountable to get the work done, it’s a huge incentive not to slack off and to do the work. I’ve had this huge step and wanted to publicly acknowledge that everything I’ve taken on and learned has helped me professionally as I build my business and personally as I’m nurturing relationships. Thank you so so much for everything you’ve shared with us.


Mastermind-Coaching Program

Your Investment to Confidence

3-month program

$1,888 USD*

6-month program

$3,555 USD*

*payment plans available

Michelle Nicole Martin profile image


Joining the Mastermind during my major career change was a game-changer.

The supportive community and coaching helped me navigate the transition with less stress, self-doubt, and mind drama.

The energy and atmosphere in the Mastermind were trusting, supportive, open, inspiring, warm, caring, connected and accepting. It felt good to be in a group where everyone has your back. It’s the right environment to be in if you’re pushing yourself to a new level. The discussions on the learning topics, exploring our identities, and the inspiring videos were fascinating and empowering. It’s just a wonderful group with a great purpose!


  • I am a certified holistic life, career and executive coach from an ICF-accredited institute.

    I am also an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner. I also became a trauma-informed coach and learned holistic modalities to serve my clients the best way I can.

    In addition, I have over 17 years of experience as a university professor, which has involved responsibilities related to student mentoring and coaching. Perhaps most importantly, I am passionate about what I do.

    I am on a mission to free women from the years of pain I experienced as an ambitious and competent woman struggling with ‘not enoughness’ and self-doubt so that they (you) can embrace a more empowered mindset and live life on your own terms as who you really are.

    The combination of professional coach training and personal experience ensures that I have the necessary qualifications, and more, to coach you on your way to courage, confidence and clarity.

  • I have several coaching tools under my belt including neuro linguistic programming (NLP), brain-based neuroscience coaching, positive psychology, ontological coaching, emotional intelligence coaching and appreciative inquiry.

    I also incorporate holistic modalities including emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping, somatic movement, breathwork, visualizations and mindfulness practices. My approach embodies tools acquired from my professional coach training as well as scientific knowledge, spiritual teachings and personal experience.

  • So this isn’t a question but I suspect you’re thinking this because that was one of my first thoughts before investing in my own coach. I think it’s important for you to think about how much time you waste thinking and overthinking, and writing and re-writing emails, presentations, proposals or even just making a simple decision. All those times you felt overwhelmed and lost focus and procrastinated because you just didn’t know how to get started and when you did, it took you forever to finish because of those high standards you have. 

    As far as I’m concerned, time is our most precious resource … we can always make more money (ABUNDANCE mindset!) but time that passes can never come back. Can you afford to spend (waste) more time feeling stressed, anxious and/or overwhelmed? I know I couldn’t and I’m sure you want to enjoy the precious time available to you.

    When you invest in your personal development – and specifically in reclaiming your inner confidence (you know it’s in you) and cultivating your self-worth and clarity, you will be rewarded the gift of time. Quality time and inner peace. And that is priceless.

  • We will connect over ZOOM in an intimate group at a reoccurring time that works for everyone.

  • After your discovery call, if we both agree you’ll thrive in this Collective I’ll send you the details to pay over STRIPE with options to pay in full or in monthly installments.

Jomana sitting on a park bench casually greeting the camera


You’re an ambitious woman who’s ready to get moving

In some way or another, you’re not happy with your life. You want something different, so you’re looking for the best solution to the problem.

The secret - YOU - you are the solution, and I can help you on your journey of self-discovery.

As a holistic and trauma informed-coach, I support and guide you, in a safe, loving space, with proven techniques, scientific research, and certified training.

Join a supportive community of like-minded women committed to growth

And together, overcome obstacles, cultivate unshakeable confidence, and create a life filled with authenticity, connection, and fulfillment.


“I felt inspired & I feel more confident overall

At first, I was worried about how I’d be able to talk openly in front of women that I’d never met and be vulnerable with them.

But Jomana makes it feel like a walk in the park, and everyone within the group is very supportive, inspiring and connected… truly the vibes and energy in every meeting made me feel empowered, supported and appreciated.

When I heard other very ambitious women going through the same thing as me, I felt inspired. And because of the connection within the group, everyone feels supported, encouraged and empowered to listen to their own voice and be who they really are. “